Real Time System for Human Identification and Tracking from Surveillance Videos
Face detection, Face identification, Real time system, Distributed streaming analytics -
The need for intelligent surveillance systems has raised the concerns of security. A viable system with automated methods for person identification to detect, track and recognize persons in real time is required. The traditional detection techniques have not been able to analyze such a huge amount of live video generated in real-time. So, there is a necessity for live streaming video analytics which includes processing and analyzing large scale visual data such as images or videos to find content that are useful for interpretation. In this work, an automated surveillance system for real-time detection, recognition and tracking of persons in video streams from multiple video inputs is presented. In addition, the current location of an individual can be searched with the tool bar provided. A model is proposed, which uses a messaging queue to receive/transfer video feeds and the frames in the video are analyzed using image processing modules to identify and recognize the person with respect to the training data sets. The main aim of this project is to overcome the challenges faced in integrating the open source tools that build up the system for tagging and searching people.
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How to Cite
Vishaka Gayathri, D., Shree, S., Jain, T., & Sornalakshmi, K. (2018). Real Time System for Human Identification and Tracking from Surveillance Videos. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.12), 244-247. date: 2018-07-22
Accepted date: 2018-07-22
Published date: 2018-07-20