Sentiment Analysis for Social Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques

  • Authors

    • Dorababu Sudarsa
    • Siva kumar.P
    • L jagajeevan Rao
  • Machine Learning, Semantic Orientation, Sentiment Analysis, Twitter.
  • Abstract

    The tremendous of the overall enormous net has conveyed a present day way of communicating the feelings of individuals. It's additionally a medium with a vast amount of data in which clients can see the assessment of different clients which can be ordered into exceptional entailment summons and are progressively more boom as a key component in decision making. This paper adds to the supposition assessment for customers assessment class that is utilized to analyze the records inside the type of the assortment of tweets wherein investigates are very unstructured and are both high fine or terrible, or somewhere in the middle of these . For this we first pre-prepared the dataset, after that extract the adjective from the dataset that has a couple of significance this is alluded to as capacity vector, at that point decided on the component vector posting and from that point accomplished device examining based write calculations particularly navie bayes, most entropy and svm along the edge of the semantic introduction based absolutely based on word net which extracts synonyms and similarity for the content characteristic. In the end, we measured the performance of the classifier in terms of considering, precision and accuracy.


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  • How to Cite

    Sudarsa, D., kumar.P, S., & jagajeevan Rao, L. (2018). Sentiment Analysis for Social Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.32), 473-476.

    Received date: 2018-07-25

    Accepted date: 2018-07-25

    Published date: 2018-05-31