Cold LOGIK and RDHX Solution for Data Center Energy Optimization
Data Center Optimization, Cold logic, RDHx, Rear Door Heat exchanger, energy saving, power saving, green computing. -
In all types of data center, keeping the right temperature with less cost and energy is one of important objective as energy saving is crucial in increased data driven industry. Energy saving is global focus for all industry. In Information technology, more than 60% of energy is utilized in data centers as it needs to be up and running. As per Avocent data center issue study, across globe more than 54% of data centers are in redesigning process to improve their efficiency and reduce operational cost and energy consumption. Data center managers and operators major challenge was how to maintain the temperature of servers with less power and energy. When the densities of data center energy nearing 5 kilowatts (kW) per cabinet, organizations are trying to find a way to manage the heat through latest technologies. Power usage per square can be reduced by incorporating liquid-cooling devices instead of increasing airflow volume. This is especially important in a data center with a typical under-floor cooling system. This research paper uses Rear-Door Heat eXchangers (RDHx) and cool logic solutions to reduce energy consumption. It gives result of implementation of Cold Logik and RDHx solution to Data center and proves that how it saves energy and power. Data center has optimized space, cooling, power and operational cost by implementing RDHx technology. This will enable to add more servers without increasing the space and reduce cooling and power cost. It also saves Data center space from heat dissipation from servers.
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How to Cite
Suresh, T., & A. Murugan, D. (2018). Cold LOGIK and RDHX Solution for Data Center Energy Optimization. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.4), 113-117. date: 2018-08-03
Accepted date: 2018-08-03
Published date: 2018-06-25