Study of Optimum Cutting While Lathing Carbonate Steel VCN-150 Uses a Layered Carbide Chisel PVD on Dry and Wet Condition

  • Authors

    • Muksin R. Harahap
    • Ahmad Bakhori
    • Suhardi Napid
    • Muhammad Rafiq Yanhar
    • Abdurrozzaq Hasibuan
  • Dry Cutting, Optimum Cutting, Surface, Roughness, Flank Wear
  • Abstract

    To improve the productivity of this machining perhaps it may be recommended in a dry cutting but a dry cutting is recognized very sensitive to a high temperature. In this case, in order to overcome is perhaps required by using a tool carbide either in layers or without any layers whereby each layer has certain superior. There was conducted an experiment to have an optimum cutting on a carbon steel VCN-150 using a layers tool carbide  and Respond Surface Method (RSM) with a CCD operation. The result of study recommended that condition optimum cutting shall be achieved (When cutting tc ) on a medium machining refers to ISO 3685 and medium surface roughness (Ra ) ISO 1320. Statistically, there is no found significant difference between a dry and wet cutting on optimum dry condition.



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  • How to Cite

    R. Harahap, M., Bakhori, A., Napid, S., Rafiq Yanhar, M., & Hasibuan, A. (2018). Study of Optimum Cutting While Lathing Carbonate Steel VCN-150 Uses a Layered Carbide Chisel PVD on Dry and Wet Condition. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.13), 389-393.

    Received date: 2018-08-05

    Accepted date: 2018-08-05

    Published date: 2018-04-15