Modelling of the joint evolution of analysis needs and data warehouse
Decision Support System, Evolution Model, Data Warehouse. -
The decision support system, a set of data, is specifically organized, appropriate and accessible in decision-making. It stems from the data warehouse taking into account the users in this development. However, data warehouse is a complex technology in decision-making systems. Then, we highlight a new approach to the data warehouse model in this paper about the joint evolution of user and data warehouse needs. This model is based on rules combining R-DW (Data-based Data Warehouse) and MDA (Model Driven Architecture) models. As a result, this new approach makes it possible to integrate the knowledge of the users while favoring a temporal evolution of the possibilities of analysis.
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How to Cite
Brou Assie, B., Louis Seka, L., Kablan Adou, J., & Oumtanaga, S. (2018). Modelling of the joint evolution of analysis needs and data warehouse. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 4425-4428. date: 2018-08-06
Accepted date: 2018-12-18
Published date: 2018-11-15