Mobile Barcode Based Examination Attendance System

  • Authors

    • Rehman Ullah Khan
    • Vivian Chua Yee Wee
    • Valentina Wong Sze Lui
    • Much. Inam UlHaq
    • Yahya Khan
    • Mohd Hardyman Barawi
  • Use about five key words or phrases in alphabetical order, Separated by Semicolon.Attendance system, Attendance Database, Barcode Scanner, Blended Learning, Client Server, Examination Management
  • Abstract

    Smartphone usage has revolutionized the world to many settings including that of the education system with numerous potential and realized benefits. While the functions of smartphones, such as text messaging, multimedia, and Internet connectivity, may seem purely recreational, they can be used within the academic institution to manage students attendance to speed up the process of taking attendance by academic instructors, hence reduces time, human errors and redundant works as compared to the manual attendance system. In this paper, we introduced an automatic examination attendance system on smartphones based on the Barcode to automatically capture student examination attendance. Although many existing systems (Sudha et al. 2015) have been proposed using smartphones for automatic student attendance, there is little study known about a system that is specifically designed for capturing student examination attendance. The main difference among our system and existing systems is that existing systems are using extra hardware device Barcode reader while our system is using smartphone, which highly reduce the cost. Our experiment shows that our proposed student examination attendance system is better for capturing the student attendance information during the examination as compared to the general student attendance systems.



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  • How to Cite

    Ullah Khan, R., Chua Yee Wee, V., Wong Sze Lui, V., Inam UlHaq, M., Khan, Y., & Hardyman Barawi, M. (2018). Mobile Barcode Based Examination Attendance System. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.22), 49-54.

    Received date: 2018-08-08

    Accepted date: 2018-08-08

    Published date: 2018-08-08