The Legality of Land Lease by the State-Owned Company PT.KAI (Persero)

  • Authors

    • Yulia Mirwati
    • Yontri Faisal
    • Yulizar Yakub
  • Land Lease, State-Owned Company, and PT Kereta Api Indonesia
  • Abstract

     Indonesia Train Company or PT Kereta Api Indonesia (hereafter referred to as PT. KAI (Persero) is a State Owned Campanyor Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), which needs resources to carry out its business. To boost its capital, PT.KAI (Persero) leases its unused land located along the railways that have been closed due to ineffectiveness or the decrease in the operation. This lease carried out overeither certified or uncertified land. Although many of the trains in West Sumatra no longer work since independence, PT. KAI (Persero) still leases land. The lease is done in the form of lease quotation document whose format is solely determined by PT.KAI (Persero), similar to a standard contract. In such quotation,the state is leaser and the leaseholder is only obliged to pay for the lease and enjoy / use the land without a balanced agreement. This situation raises the following question: does the arrangement and status of right and lease of land by PT.KAI (Persero) to the public haveany legality / legal validity? The studydraws on socio-legal data, both primary and secondary obtained through library and field research. The research was conducted in Regional Division II of West Sumatra with land tenants / users of lands thatare deemed as assets by PT KAI (Persero). The site was chosen purposively. The results reveal that the leases of PT. KAI (Persero) arein accordancewith the provisions of the Ministerial Decree on State-Owned Company alongwith the Regulation on Railways. However, land leases by PT.KAI (Persero) basedon the Decision Letter from the Ministry of State Owned Company, which is not specifically intended to PT.KAI (Persero),  is illigal.


  • References

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      Laws and Regulations

      The 1945 Constitution of the fourth amendment

      Law No. 5/1960 on Basic Regulations of Agrarian Principles.

      Indonesian Civil Code Law (Indonesian Civil Code)

      Law Number 2/2012 About Land Procurement For Public Interest

      Law Number 26/2007 About Spatial Planning

      Law Number 19/2003 on State-Owned Companies

      Law Number 23/2007 on Railways Indonesia

      Law Number 40/2007 About Limited Liability Company.

      Law Number 1/1963 About Business Forms of State Enterprises.

      Law Number 1/2004 About State Treasury.

      Presidential Decree No.40/1996 on the Right to Use of Business, Right to Build, and Right to Use.

      Government Regulation No. 38/1963 on Property Rights for Legal Entity

      Presidential Decree No. 22/1963 Railways

      Presidential Decree No. 61/1971 About the change of PNKA into Kerta Kerta Api Company (PJKA)

      Presidential Decree No. 57/1990 About Changing PJKA to Public Railway Company

      Presidential Decree No.19 Year 1998 About Changes Perumka to PT. Railway (Persero)

      Presidential Decree No. 69 Year 1998 on Railway Infrastructure and Facilities

      Presidential Decree No.. 24 of 1997 on Land Registry

      Presidential Decree No. 8 of 1953 on the Control of State Land.

      Presidential Decree No. 66 of 2006 on the Management of State / Local Property

      Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs / Head of National Land Agency No.9 of 1999 on the way of granting and cancellation of Land Rights and Right of Management.


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      [7] 4. Gedenkboek der Staatsspoor en Tramvegen in Nederlandsch Indie 1875-1925 terbitan tahun 1925 dituliskan, bahwa pembuatan jalan kereta api di Sumatera Barat dilaksanakan secara bertahap dan bersambung dari tahun ke tahun.

      [8] 5. Ibrahim, 1997, BUMN dan Kepentingan Umum, PT Citra Aditya, Jakarta.

      [9] 6. Johannes Ibrahim, 2006, Hukum Organisasi Perusahaan, PT. Refika Aditama, Bandung.

      [10] 7. M. Yahya Harahap, 1986, Segi-segi Hukum Perjanjian, Alumni, Bandung.

      [11] 8. R.Wirjono Prodjodikoro, 1987, Hukum Perjanjian dan Perikatan, Pradya Paramita, Jakarta.

      [12] 9. Ramli Zein, 2005, Hak pengelolaan Dalam Undang-undang Pokok Agraria, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta hlm2

      [13] Yulia Mirwati, 2015, Konflik tanah Ulayat, Penerbit Universitas Andalas. Padang.

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  • How to Cite

    Mirwati, Y., Faisal, Y., & Yakub, Y. (2018). The Legality of Land Lease by the State-Owned Company PT.KAI (Persero). International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.21), 483-486.

    Received date: 2018-08-09

    Accepted date: 2018-08-09

    Published date: 2018-08-08