Prediction of dyslexia using support vector machine in distributed environment

  • Authors

    • Jothi Prabha A Vellore Institute of Technology University
    • Bhargavi R Vellore Institute of Technology University
    • Ramesh Ragala Vellore Institute of Technology University
  • Dyslexia, Image Processing, Support Vector Machine
  • Abstract

    Dyslexia is a learning disorder characterized by lack of reading and /or writing skills, difficulty in rapid word naming and also poor in spelling. Dyslexic individuals have great difficulty to read and interpret words or letters. Research work is carried out to classify dyslexic from non-dyslexics by various approaches such as machine learning, image processing, understanding the brain behavior through psychology, studying the differences in anatomy of brain. In addition to it several assistive tools are developed to support dyslexics. In this work, brain images are used for screening individuals who have high risk to dyslexia. This work also motivates the application of machine learning in distributed environment. The proposed predictive model uses the machine-learning algorithm Support Vector Machine (SVM). The model is designed in Apache SPARK framework to support voluminous data. The prediction accuracy of 92.5% is achieved using SVM.


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  • How to Cite

    Prabha A, J., R, B., & Ragala, R. (2018). Prediction of dyslexia using support vector machine in distributed environment. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 2795-2799.

    Received date: 2018-08-09

    Accepted date: 2018-09-19

    Published date: 2018-10-06