Sensing the Mood on Crimes Against Women by Exploring Social Media Using Dimensional Model

  • Authors

    • R Anto Arockia Rosaline
    • R Parvathi
  • Arousal, mood, social media, twitter, valence.
  • Abstract

    Nowadays social media plays a vital role in sharing the information, sharing the views on a particular topic, expressing the sentiments and opinions. Mood is a sub form of sentiment analysis and opinion mining which generally describes the state of mind of a person whether happy, sad, fear and anger etc. Twitter is one of the most popular sources of public opinions. Sensing of mood is generally required to analyze the impact of marketing campaigns, launching of new products etc. This paper focuses on sensing the mood on crimes against women in social media using the quantitative measures of valence and arousal. This paper gives a comparative analysis on mood sensing among different time periods over the same topic.



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  • How to Cite

    Anto Arockia Rosaline, R., & Parvathi, R. (2018). Sensing the Mood on Crimes Against Women by Exploring Social Media Using Dimensional Model. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(2.20), 384-388.

    Received date: 2018-08-11

    Accepted date: 2018-08-11