Assessment of Renewable Distributed Generation in Green Building Rating System for Public Hospital

  • Authors

    • Mohd Effendi Amran
    • Mohd Nabil Muhtazaruddin
  • Green Building Rating System (GBRS), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Power Loss Minimization, Solar Photovoltaic (PV), and Distributed Generation (DG).
  • This paper presents an optimization solution for renewable Distributed Generation (DG), as imposed in the Green Building Rating System (GBRS) for a public hospital. Solar photovoltaic DG unit (PV-DG) is identified as a type of DG used in this paper. The proposed optimization via PV-DG coordination will improve the sustainable energy performance of the green building by power loss reduction within accepted lower losses region using Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm. The setup input data from one of Malaysian public hospitals’ power distribution system is been adopted and simulation results via MATLAB programming show that the optimization of DG forming into bigger-scale imposed system provides a better outcome in minimization of total power losses within appropriate voltage profile as compared to current PV-DG imposed in GBRS. The objective function representing total power losses which also supported by related literature give a measure that forming sufficient and optimal PV-DG assessment criteria is highly important, thus, current PV-DG assessment in GBRS is proposed to be reviewed into new parameter setting for public hospital due to its’ high energy demand and distinctive electrical load profile.



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  • How to Cite

    Effendi Amran, M., & Nabil Muhtazaruddin, M. (2018). Assessment of Renewable Distributed Generation in Green Building Rating System for Public Hospital. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.15), 40-45.