A Conceptual Framework for the Lean Research and Development

  • Authors

    • Nabila binti Mohd Hamel
    • Tan Owee Kowang
    • Goh Chin Fei
  • Research and Development, Lean, Success Factor, Performance, Improvement Tools, Soft Practices, Hard Practices
  • Abstract

    Both lean R&D soft practices success factor and lean R&D tools and techniques are the improvement strategies to reduce cost, increase speed and deliver superior quality in R&D organization. In order to achieve higher performance, an R&D organization needs to adopt both lean R&D soft practices success factor, and lean R&D tools and techniques. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to review the relationship among lean R&D soft practices success factor, lean R&D tools and techniques, and R&D based organization performance. After an extensive review of literature, a new lean R&D model in R&D based organization is developed with an objective of developing a theoretical knowledge for R&D based organization in order to understand more systematically the relationship among lean R&D soft practices success factor, lean R&D tools and techniques, and R&D based organization performance. The proposed model examines the impact of lean R&D tools and techniques as the mediating effect between lean R&D soft practices success factor and R&D based organization which has not been evaluated earlier. The paper also includes a review to identify existing theoretical perspectives that could be considered as a basis for the creation of a new conceptual framework of lean R&D.

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  • How to Cite

    binti Mohd Hamel, N., Owee Kowang, T., & Chin Fei, G. (2018). A Conceptual Framework for the Lean Research and Development. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.25), 316-320. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.25.17589

    Received date: 2018-08-16

    Accepted date: 2018-08-16