Asphalt Collectors – a Solution for the Humid and Hot Climates
Asphalt solar collectors, hot climate, technology, Saudi Arabia. -
The Asphalt Solar Collectors (ASC) technology is well known for his its application in moderate to cold climate; however there is a need to explore a wider scope for this application. This research is an attempt to explore the Asphalt collectors as a solution for the hot and humid climate. The paper explored this by analyzing the performance of the 20m² ASC meeting the demand of the domestic hot water, solar assisted cooling and the atmospheric water generation.
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How to Cite
Khoja, A., & Waheeb, S. (2018). Asphalt Collectors – a Solution for the Humid and Hot Climates. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.25), 333-336. date: 2018-08-16
Accepted date: 2018-08-16