Methods on Real Time Gesture Recognition System

  • Authors

    • Anuradha Patil
    • Chandrashekhar M. Tavade
    • . .
  • (HCI) Human Computer Interaction, Segmentations, Hidden Marchov Model (HMM), Hand Gesture Recognition, Associative Processor (AP)
  • Abstract

    Gesture recognition deals with discussion of various methods, techniques and concerned algorithms related to it. Gesture recognition uses a simple & basic sign languages like movement of hand, position of lips & eye ball as well as eye lids positions. The various methods for image capturing, gesture recognition, gesture tracking, gesture segmentation and smoothing methods compared, and by the overweighing advantage of different gesture recognitions and their applications.  In recent days gesture recognition is widely utilized in gaming industries, biomedical applications, and medical diagnostics for dumb and deaf people. Due to their wide applications, high efficiency, high accuracy and low expenditure gestures are using in many applications including robotics. By using gestures to develop human computer interaction (HCI) method it is necessary to identify the proper and meaning full gesture from different gesture images. The Gesture recognition avoids use of costly hardware devices for understanding the activities and recognition example lots of I/O devices like keyboard mouse etc. Can be Limited.



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Patil, A., M. Tavade, C., & ., . (2018). Methods on Real Time Gesture Recognition System. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.12), 982-985.

    Received date: 2018-08-16

    Accepted date: 2018-08-16

    Published date: 2018-07-20