Study on soliton pulse and its characteristics for fiber optic communication
Bandwidth, Dispersion, Fiber, Soliton. -
From time immemorial communication is an essential need for human beings. Communication happens through the channel. Among many channels for communication, Fiber is a vital wired channel that has infinite bandwidth and high noise immunity against electromagnetic interference. The phenomenon of dispersion is the major problem for high bit rate and long-haul optical communication systems. An easy solution to this problem is optical Solitons - Pulses that preserve their shape over long distances. Soliton based optical communication systems establish over distances of several thousands of kilometers with considerable information carrying capacity by using optical amplifiers.
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[18] Mrs. M.Bhuvaneshwari: She is student with Electrical and Electronics Dept, BITS PILANI Dubai. Her research interest includes Fibre optic communication.
[19] Dr. ShaziaHasan: She got her Ph.D in the area of Signal Processing application to Power signal. At present she is assistant professor EEE Dept BITS PILANI DUBAI. Her research interest includes signal processing applications in power signal, biomedical signal processing, Adaptive filtering.
[20] Dr. Abdul Razak: Assistant Proff, BITS PILANI, DUBAI,Electrical and Electronics Dept. BITS PILANI Dubai. His research interest includes wireless communication network,WATM Switching,Encryption and decryption.
How to Cite
Bhuvaneshwari, M., ShaziaHasan, D., & Abdul Razak, D. (2018). Study on soliton pulse and its characteristics for fiber optic communication. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 2845-2847. date: 2018-08-18
Accepted date: 2018-09-18
Published date: 2018-10-06