Texture Classification based on First Order Circular and Elliptical Ternary Direction Pattern Matrix

  • Authors

    • K Subba Reddy
    • V Vijaya Kumar
    • A P. Siva Kumar
  • Isotropic, Anisotropic, Derivative, Ternary pattern
  • Abstract

    Local binary pattern (LBP) captures isotropic structural information and completely fails in representing anisotropic information, however the horizontal elliptical LBP (H-ELBP) and vertical elliptical LBP (V-ELBP) represents partial anisotropic information only. In our earlier work we have derived “circular and elliptical-LBP (CE-LBP)†captures both isotropic and anisotropic structural information with a feature vector size equivalent to LBP and it is easy to implement and invariant to monotonic illumination changes. The LBP, local ternary pattern (LTP), CE-LBP and most of the extensions of LBP descriptor basically ignore the directional information. To address this and to capture both isotropic and anisotropic directional information, this paper proposes a “circular and elliptical ternary direction pattern matrix (CE-TDPM)â€. The CE-TDPM encodes the relationship between the central pixel and two of its neighboring pixel located in different angles (α, β) with different directions. The CE-TDPM evaluated the possible direction variation pattern for central pixel by measuring the first order derivate relationship among the horizontal and vertical neighbors (0o vs. 90o; 90o vs. 180o; 180o vs. 270o; 270o vs. 0o) and derived a unique code. The performance of the proposed method is compared with various other existing methods using the benchmark texture databases viz. Brodtaz, UIUC, Outex and MIT-VisTex. The performance analysis shows the efficiency of the proposed method over the existing methods.



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  • How to Cite

    Subba Reddy, K., Vijaya Kumar, V., & P. Siva Kumar, A. (2018). Texture Classification based on First Order Circular and Elliptical Ternary Direction Pattern Matrix. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.27), 601-608. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.27.18504

    Received date: 2018-08-28

    Accepted date: 2018-08-28