Use of Wavelet Analysis for Determining the Stability of the Banking System

  • Authors

    • Irina Jur'evna Fedorova
    • Renold Bogdanovich Rubinov
    • Alexander Valentinovich Berdysev
    • Lyudmila Ivanovna Ryabchenko
    • Sergey Sergeevich Matveevskii
  • DThe possibility and feasibility of using wavelet analysis to disclose the stability of the banking system operation were justified in the article. The main stages of wavelet analysis for disclosing the stability of the banking system operation were defin
  • Abstract

    The possibility and feasibility of using wavelet analysis to disclose the stability of the banking system operation were justified in the article. The main stages of wavelet analysis for disclosing the stability of the banking system operation were defined.


  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Jur'evna Fedorova, I., Bogdanovich Rubinov, R., Valentinovich Berdysev, A., Ivanovna Ryabchenko, L., & Sergeevich Matveevskii, S. (2018). Use of Wavelet Analysis for Determining the Stability of the Banking System. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.15), 237-239.

    Received date: 2018-09-01

    Accepted date: 2018-09-01

    Published date: 2018-08-13