Agricultural Markets’Analysis and Forecasting on the Base of Fractal Price Cycles Modelling

  • Authors

    • Marina Iurkova
    • Еlena Lihovtsova
    • Ludmila Evsukova
    • Еlena Sadovnikova
  • Agricultural markets, Specific features, Fractal models, Forecasting
  • Abstract

    The article is devoted to the agricultural markets’ analysis (grains and sunflower) as an integral system having its peculiarities which make it different from other markets. These specific features are connected with heterogeneity of participants following various aims and working in different investment horizons, as well as seasonal functioning of this market. The calculations have been given proving the E. Peters’ hypothesis on the presence of fractal agricultural markets. The research adjusts the use of the fractal markets’ analysis results in creating agrarian markets models and the possibility of forecasting its participants’ and prices behavior taking into consideration models’ data simplification.



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Iurkova, M., Lihovtsova, Еlena, Evsukova, L., & Sadovnikova, Еlena. (2018). Agricultural Markets’Analysis and Forecasting on the Base of Fractal Price Cycles Modelling. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.15), 249-252.

    Received date: 2018-09-01

    Accepted date: 2018-09-01

    Published date: 2018-08-13