Modeling the Competitive Advantage of Companies within the Hotel Industry in a Region
2018-08-13 -
modeling, competitive advantage, hotel sector, tourism, competitiveness -
This paper focuses on the development of techniques for modeling the competitive advantage of companies within the hotel industry in a region. The authors make the case that their proposed techniques for modeling the competitive advantage of companies within the hotel industry in a region can help to cumulatively evaluate and give a well-substantiated quantitative and qualitative assessment of the sector’s competitiveness factoring in a set of specific indicators. This kind of algorithm for constructing a model for competitive advantage could help assess in real time the quality of services provided within the hospitality sphere and conduct comparative analyses across the nation’s regions.
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How to Cite
Yurievna Nikolskaya, E., Vladimirovna Pasko, O., Anatol'evna Volkova, I., Nikolaevna Anikina, E., & Yevgenievna Lebedeva, O. (2018). Modeling the Competitive Advantage of Companies within the Hotel Industry in a Region. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.15), 293-295. date: 2018-09-01
Accepted date: 2018-09-01
Published date: 2018-08-13