Complete synchronization of a novel 6-D hyperchaotic Lorenz system with known parameters

  • Authors

    • Ahmed S. Al-Obeidi University of Mosul
    • Saad Fawzi AL-Azzawi University of Mosul
  • Chaos Synchronization, 6-D Hyperchaotic Lorenz Systems, Lyapunov Stability Theory.
  • Abstract

    There has been an increasing interest in field of high-dimensional systems and their synchronization phenomena. This paper deals with complete synchronization between two identical 6-D hyperchaotic Lorenz systems based on nonlinear control strategy. The designed control functions for the synchronization between the drive and response systems are succeed to achieve complete synchronization with the states of both systems are measurable and the parameters are known. Numerical simulations have verified the analytical synchronization technique.



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  • How to Cite

    S. Al-Obeidi, A., & Fawzi AL-Azzawi, S. (2019). Complete synchronization of a novel 6-D hyperchaotic Lorenz system with known parameters. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 5345-5349.

    Received date: 2018-09-02

    Accepted date: 2019-01-14

    Published date: 2019-03-28