Enhancement of the Gain and the Bandwidth of a UWB Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Metamaterials

  • Authors

    • Ali Faraj Darweesh
    • Gölge Ögücü Yetkin
  • Gain, Bandwidth, Ultra Wideband Antenna, Metamaterial
  • Abstract

    This paper designs a miniaturized size ultra-wideband microstrip antenna based on Metamaterial array. The proposed structure is consisting of ultra-wideband antenna and Metamaterial array. The antenna is characterized by dimensions of 36*38*1.58 mm3 with a partial ground printed on the FR4 dielectric substrate. The MTM array is constructed from two triple split ring resonators located above the antenna structure. The antenna is showed an acceptable gain of 5.6 dB with a wide band of operating frequencies starting from 2.6 GHz to more than 20 GHz with an S11 value less than – 10 dB in the entire band. The gain is enhanced about 3.19 dB by adding the TSRRs. Finally, the CST MWS is used to design and simulate the antenna structure.


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  • How to Cite

    Faraj Darweesh, A., & Ögücü Yetkin, G. (2018). Enhancement of the Gain and the Bandwidth of a UWB Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Metamaterials. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.14), 380-385. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.14.18822

    Received date: 2018-09-02

    Accepted date: 2018-09-02