Image Denoising in Wavelet Domain with Filtering and Thresholding
2018-09-01 -
Enhancement, Discrete wavelet TransformationDenoisingfilters, Threshold.Virtual reality. -
In this paper, the proposed method is implemented for removal of salt & pepper and Gaussian noise of black & white & color images to
acquire the quality output. In this work initially wavelet coefficients are extracted for noisy images. Later apply denoise filtering
technique on the high transform sub bands of noisy images (either color/ B & W) using new laplacian filters with 4 directions. Finally
threshold of an image is generated to extract denoisy coefficients. At last inverse of above subband coefficients can give denoise image
for further processing. The proposed method is verified against various B & W/color images and it gives a better PSNR (Peak Signal to
Noise Ratio) & MI (Mutual Information). These values are compared with different noise densities and analyzed visually. -
Ch.Hima Bindu, K.Sumathi, “Denoising of Images With Filtering
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How to Cite
Sumathi, K., & Hima Bindu, C. (2018). Image Denoising in Wavelet Domain with Filtering and Thresholding. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.34), 327-330. date: 2018-09-07
Accepted date: 2018-09-07
Published date: 2018-09-01