When music and emotions meet machine

  • Authors

    • Soumya Kota
    • M Krishna Prasanna
    • D Madhusudhan Reddy
  • Music Cognition, Emotions, Mir (Music Information Retrieval) System, Smart Places.
  • Abstract

    Perception about music varies person to person. But, what most of them love listening to, is music. The discussion that’s exciting is, emotion and cognition go hand in hand in music.Genres like classical, jazz, rock, blues, country, no matter what, people listen, feel and enjoy the essence of it.Surprisingly we can relate music and emotions. Every piece of music is created to convey certain emotions and that is why emotion has been considered a powerful way for accessing music information. Large collection of music is being created and accessed today. To make the user’s choice easier, the (MIR) music informational retrieval community has made an effort to train a machine (like computer) to detect the emotion of a music signal.Making a machine identify the emotion of music leads to better interaction between the machine and the user. It is possible to play the music according to the user’s mood by detecting the psychological or facial cues. Also, this can be used to sort user’s music collection according to their mood with an adjective described. Intensity and quality of musical emotions change overtime.Therefore, various discussions and debates led to research and proposal of data model training and result set according to the user’s emotion.


  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Kota, S., Krishna Prasanna, M., & Madhusudhan Reddy, D. (2018). When music and emotions meet machine. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.29), 538-542. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.29.19307

    Received date: 2018-09-09

    Accepted date: 2018-09-09