Application of Multi Layer Neural Network in Medical Diagnosis: an Efficient Survey

  • Authors

    • Arti Rana
    • Arvind Singh Rawat
    • Himanshu Bahuguna
    • Anchit Bijalwan
  • Neural network, cardiovascular diseases, cancer.
  • Abstract

    A enormous extent of facts is presently accessible to medical proficient; diverge from information of medical signs to a assortment of varieties of biological facts as well as imaging machines’ results. All kind of facts gives statistics that which is assessed as well as allocated for exacting pathology throughout the investigative procedure. For restructuring the analytical procedure on a day-to-day basis practice and evade misdiagnosis, artificial intelligence techniques (artificial neural networks, computer aided diagnosis) are able to employ. These adaptive learning techniques could be hold different kinds of medicinal facts and amalgamate them into characterized outcomes.

    In this paper, we have concisely analyzed and deliberated about competencies, philosophy as well as restrictions of ANN in medicinal analysis concluded elected paradigms.



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  • How to Cite

    Rana, A., Singh Rawat, A., Bahuguna, H., & Bijalwan, A. (2018). Application of Multi Layer Neural Network in Medical Diagnosis: an Efficient Survey. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.34), 493-494.

    Received date: 2018-09-09

    Accepted date: 2018-09-09

    Published date: 2018-09-01