Increasing the Traction Properties of Locomotives for the Account of Improvement of Body and Bogies Connexions

  • Authors

    • Juraj Gerlici
    • Kateryna Kravchenko
    • Mykola Gorbunov
    • Tomas Lack
  • bogies, locomotive, wheel-rail contact .
  • Abstract

    The article presents the results of a research of the reserves for the realization of tractive and braking forces of a rail vehicle. Two target functions have been developed that show the evaluation of the design and identify opportunities to increase the efficiency of using the locomotive. On the basis of the objective functions, technical solutions have been proposed and patented in the crew part of the locomotive. The analysis of the factors that affect the traction and coupling qualities of the locomotive was carried out. A mathematical modeling of the starting from the place of the shunting locomotive TEM103 was carried out. The redistribution of loads from wheel pairs to rails is shown depending on the speed. The change in the wheel-rail contact area when the load of the shunting locomotive TEM103 changes is estimated. The work of the proposed finish loading device in different modes of operation is described. Efficiency of work is shown.



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  • How to Cite

    Gerlici, J., Kravchenko, K., Gorbunov, M., & Lack, T. (2018). Increasing the Traction Properties of Locomotives for the Account of Improvement of Body and Bogies Connexions. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.3), 377-382.

    Received date: 2018-09-18

    Accepted date: 2018-09-18

    Published date: 2018-09-15