Fulfillment in Logistic Infrastructure of International Internet-Trade of Ukrainian Companies
2018-09-15 https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.3.19853 -
E-commerce, fulfillment, international trade, logistics, outsourcing, start-up. -
The article describes the concept of fulfillment, its essence and role for ensuring effective international trade on the Internet. The structure and complex of basic and additional services of fulfillment were considered. The authors gave the specific features of fulfillment that define this type of activity. The advantages and disadvantages of fulfillment outsourcing were determined. It was justified the expediency of transferring this activity to a fulfillment operator, especially in cases when small companies and start-ups start to trade internationally. The structure and algorithm of providing fulfillment services by the operators were analyzed.
[1] Fulfillment, what is it?, available online: http://partnertrade.org/fulfilment-chto-eto-takoe/
[2] Fulfillment services for online stores, available online: https://www.uvk.ua/en/uslugi/fulfilment-i-dopolnitelnye-logisticheskie-uslugi/
[3] As the warehouse deficit affects the development of small businesses, available online: http://ukraine.web2ua.com/kak-deficit-skladov-vlijaet-na-razvitie-malogo-biznesa-3093/
[4] Fulfillment-logistics and maintenance of online stores, available online: https://www.zammler.com.ua/en/services/warehousing/fulfilment/
[5] Fulfillment - what is it and how it is used, available online: http://jak.magey.com.ua/articles/fulfilment-fulfillment-shho-ce-take-i-jak.html
[6] How the fulfillment of the company "Nova Poshta" works, available online: https://ain.ua/2017/02/09/kak-rabotaet-fulfilment-novoj-poshty-fotoreportazh-iz-centra-v- brovarax
[7] Global trend - fulfillment - gaining momentum in Ukraine, available online: http://logist.fm/publications/mirovoy-trend-fulfilment-nabiraet-oboroty-v-ukraine
[8] "NP Logistik": demand for fulfillment is growing rapidly, available online: https://novaposhta.ua/news/rubric/2/id/4203
[9] Services - Fulfillment, available online: http://www.logisticplus.com.ua/index.php?cat=209&lang=eng
[10] Composition on outsourcing: how Nova Poshta works, available online: https://rau.ua/experience/fulfillment-nova-poshta/
[11] Fulfillment, available online: http://fulfilment.novaposhta.ua/#additional_services
[12] Social responsibility, available online: https://www.zammler.com.ua/ru/services/warehousing/fulfilment/
How to Cite
Diachek, V., Diachek, O., & Shuba, T. (2018). Fulfillment in Logistic Infrastructure of International Internet-Trade of Ukrainian Companies. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.3), 414-418. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.3.19853Received date: 2018-09-18
Accepted date: 2018-09-18
Published date: 2018-09-15