Real Time Symptomatic Analysis for Efficient Disease Prediction and Recommendation Generation Using Multi Level Symptom Similarity Measure

  • Authors

    • Sathish Kumar.P.J
    • Dr R.Jagadeesh Kan
  • High Dimensional Clustering, Map Reduce, Disease Prediction, Symptoms, Recommendation, MLSS.
  • Abstract

    The problem of high dimensional clustering and classification has been well studied in previous articles. Also, the recommendation generation towards the treatment based on input symptoms has been considered in this research part. Number of approaches has been discussed earlier in literature towards disease prediction and recommendation generation. Still, the efficient of such recommendation systems are not up to noticeable rate. To improve the performance, an efficient multi level symptom similarity based disease prediction and recommendation generation has been presented. The method reads the input data set, performs preprocessing to remove the noisy records. In the second stage, the method performs Class Level Feature Similarity Clustering. The classification of input symptom set has been performed using MLSS (Multi Level Symptom Similarity) measure estimated between different class of samples. According to the selected class, the method selects higher frequent medicine set as recommendation using drug success rate and frequency measures. The proposed method improves the performance of clustering, disease prediction with higher efficient medicine recommendation.



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  • How to Cite

    Kumar.P.J, S., & R.Jagadeesh Kan, D. (2018). Real Time Symptomatic Analysis for Efficient Disease Prediction and Recommendation Generation Using Multi Level Symptom Similarity Measure. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.5), 40-43.

    Received date: 2018-09-21

    Accepted date: 2018-09-21

    Published date: 2018-09-22