The Effectiveness of Applying E-Book in Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Languages (TISOL) in Supporting Foreign Students’ Self-Learning in Indonesia

  • Authors

    • Sri Hastuti
    • Kundharu Saddhono
    • Sri Marmoah
    • Endang Rahmawati
    • Dian Uswatun Hasanah
    • Farida Yufarlina Rosita
    • Elen Inderasari
    • Irma Arifah
    • Fitri Puji Rahmawati
    • Nurhannah Widianti
    • Mohamad Jazeri
    • Siti Zumrotul Maulida
    • Sawitri .
    • Roni Sulistiyono
    • Nise Samudra Sasanti
  • effectiveness, e-book, TISOL, self-learning, foreign students
  • The study aims to test the effectiveness of TISOL E-book in supporting foreign students’ self-learning in Indonesian higher education in Java Island. It employed experimental method. The result of effectiveness test concludes that foreign students’ language proficiency with using TISOL e-book is better than using conventional textbook. The result of applying TISOL e-book shows that Indonesian language proficiency is measured with three component: language proficiency, writing scientific paper and scientific presentation. The result shows that there are differences of pretest-posttest among experiment and control groups in higher education implementing TISOL in Indonesia. F-test results as much as 9,775 with statistical significance of 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore, Ho is rejected and data among groups have the significant differences.



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  • How to Cite

    Hastuti, S., Saddhono, K., Marmoah, S., Rahmawati, E., Uswatun Hasanah, D., Rosita, F. Y., Inderasari, E., Arifah, I., Puji Rahmawati, F., Widianti, N., Jazeri, M., Maulida, S. Z., ., S., Sulistiyono, R., & Samudra Sasanti, N. (2018). The Effectiveness of Applying E-Book in Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Languages (TISOL) in Supporting Foreign Students’ Self-Learning in Indonesia. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.4), 277-279.