Bioetanol production optimization from pineapple leather filtrates
Ethanol, Yeast, Optimal, Distillation, Glucose Conversion, Nutrient, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. -
Pineapple skin is an agricultural waste that has a high sugar content, ranging from 8.7% to 17.53%. The high sugar content in the pineapple skin allows it to be used as raw material for bioethanol production through fermentation. The process of making bioethanol is through several stages. The extraction process is carried out by destroying pineapple skin which has been added to aquadest with a weight ratio of pineapple skin: aquadest = 1: 1 then a screening process is carried out. The resulting pineapple skin juice is then analyzed for its glucos content. The fermentation process takes place anaerobically at pH 4-5 using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a microorganism that will break down glucose into ethanol. In order for optimal yeast growth and breeding, 4 grams of urea is added as nutrients into the media. To separate the ethanol that is formed, the distillation process is carried out at a temperature of 85-900C for approximately 3 hours until the distillate does not drip again. In this study, variations in yeast weight ratio were used and the length of fermentation time. From the results of the study, weighing 500 grams of pineapple skin produced ethanol with optimal levels of 30.15% (b / b), yield 16.07%, glucose conversion of 31.25% with fermentation time for 2 days.
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How to Cite
Octria, M., Ahmad Roni, K., & ., A. (2019). Bioetanol production optimization from pineapple leather filtrates. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 5225-5228. date: 2018-09-23
Accepted date: 2018-09-23
Published date: 2019-03-22