Using Google form for Student Worksheet as Learning Media

  • Authors

    • Muhammad Iqbal
    • Janner Simarmata
    • F Feriyansyah
    • Anna Riana Suryanti Tambunan
    • Onggal Sihite
    • Apiek Gandamana
    • Gita Noveri Eza
    • Fauzi Kurniawan
    • A Asiah
    • Fahrur Rozi
    • F Faisal
    • Imelda Free Unita Manurung
    • Mohamad Ihwani
    • Putri Lynna Adelinna Nathan
    • Nathanael Sitanggang
    • Naeklan Simbolon
    • Eva Betty Simanjuntak
    • Tonni Limbong
  • students’ worksheets, google form
  • Abstract

    This study aims to describe the creation of student worksheets using Google forms. The problem in this study is how the steps for creating student worksheets through the Google form and the structure of the worksheet produced. The method in this study uses qualitative descriptive types. Research subjects are instructors who use the Google forms as learning media. The researchers obtained the data through observation, in-depth interviews, and review of various document sources. The results of the study illustrate the steps in making student worksheets having the stages of preparation, design, and implementation. Some forms of worksheets produced, namely narrative models, audio-visuals and links.



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  • How to Cite

    Iqbal, M., Simarmata, J., Feriyansyah, F., Riana Suryanti Tambunan, A., Sihite, O., Gandamana, A., Noveri Eza, G., Kurniawan, F., Asiah, A., Rozi, F., Faisal, F., Free Unita Manurung, I., Ihwani, M., Lynna Adelinna Nathan, P., Sitanggang, N., Simbolon, N., Betty Simanjuntak, E., & Limbong, T. (2018). Using Google form for Student Worksheet as Learning Media. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.4), 321-324.

    Received date: 2018-09-23

    Accepted date: 2018-09-23