Problem Solving in Learning Mathematics through ILMo Model

  • Authors

    • Nurdyansyah .
    • Siti Masitoh
    • Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri
    • Istikomah .
  • problem solving, ILMo model
  • The education in Indonesia is currently focused on integrating science and religion. Therefore, the researchers develop Integrated Learning Model (ILMo) for Student Problems as the answer to the challenges of curriculum in Indonesia and to the development of industry 4.0. The novelty of the ILMo Model being developed in this study contributes positively in helping students' learning process scientifically that enables them to solve problems independently based on literacy which is grounded from the themes’ development. The ILMo Model aims to provide a practical knowledge in conducting independent, measurable, and literary study that is relevant to the current problems, especially in mathematics subject at the primary level so that the students will be able to obtain a comprehensive understanding in seeing the problems in terms of knowledge (science) and the student’s character building. The results of this study show that the ILMo Model can improve the learning in mathematics subject which its implementation has been integrated between science and the character values inculcation that is obtained from the results of the test scores and students’ portfolio. The ILMo model in the mathematics subject runs very well since this model provides the students with an extensive space to conduct in depth scientific literacy and Islamic character values studies through various literacy such as web, e-book, e-library so students can solve problems independently with the teacher guidance and it is justifiable.


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  • How to Cite

    ., N., Masitoh, S., Syaiful Bachri, B., & ., I. (2018). Problem Solving in Learning Mathematics through ILMo Model. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.4), 325-328.