Application of Data Analytics for Iot based Healthcare System

  • Authors

    • Vergin Raja Sarobin. M
    • Rukmani. P
    • Graceline Jasmine. S
    • Harini. S
  • Healthcare, Data analytics, Classification algorithm, Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Abstract

    An Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an emerging field in the healthcare system applications for efficient health monitoring, disease detection and treatment process. Current venture of Internet of Things (IoT) in ICT has paved the way for continuous heath monitoring remotely and wirelessly. By regular health monitoring, diseases can be diagnosed and treated very early. In this re- search work, a remote healthcare monitoring system is proposed with cloud service and data analytics as the aiding features. The read- ings are captured by mobile phone and this acts as the graphical user interface to get the status of patient’s health. Also, the necessary information is shared to the doctors and authorized personnel through a web interface. Henceforth, the patient’s health condition could be observed from the remote diagnosis center. The experimental results illustrate that the proposed model can continuously observe the physiologic parameters and suitably report the health status of user.


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  • How to Cite

    Raja Sarobin. M, V., P, R., Jasmine. S, G., & S, H. (2018). Application of Data Analytics for Iot based Healthcare System. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.8), 169-172.

    Received date: 2018-09-24

    Accepted date: 2018-09-24