Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Method to Reducing a Switching Loss in Inverter
PWM, SVPWM, SW pattern. -
In This paper proposed an area space  vector PWM technique  that reduces switch victims of an electrical converter  mainly efficiently by two-phase modulation technique. This technique chooses the most favorable one  that  minimizes  a replacement  switch (SW) defeat judgment  supported lessening belongings in switch period allowing for section currents in numerous lessening patterns. This paper proposes  an basic  curved  PWM  technique . The  planned  technique created  it attainable  to scale back  range  of  switch  of  the biggest  or  second major present section . And it will mechanically acclimatize to weight circumstances with  varied power factors. Calculated switch wounded area unit condensed to regarding 50%  by the planned technique.
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How to Cite
M.Revathi, S., R.Balamurugan, C., & Shanmugasundaram, N. (2018). Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Method to Reducing a Switching Loss in Inverter. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(2.25), 160-166. date: 2018-09-29
Accepted date: 2018-09-29
Published date: 2018-05-03