Roadmaps Classification
2018-09-27 -
Roadmap, roadmapping, classification, maturity level -
Creating modern maps is one of the methods for simplifying business and improving logistics. This research systematizes the main methods for making ties, object mapping, Ob-EKT planning, specific types of road maps and their features. Different roadmaps are systematized in four types: public, corporate, thematic (expert) and the project roadmaps (project/program/portfolio management plan). We introduce an original approach to identifying the road map maturity level. There are four maturity levels: network, expert opinion, the concept (strategy), management plan.
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How to Cite
P. Loginov, M., P. Ivanitsky, V., S. Maramygin, M., & A. Tatyann, V. (2018). Roadmaps Classification. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.7), 91-96. date: 2018-09-29
Accepted date: 2018-09-29
Published date: 2018-09-27