The Effect of Implementation of Service Marketing Mix to the Process of Tourist Decision to Visit Tourism Object: A Case Study at Lembah Harau, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, Sumatera Barat Province, Indonesia
2018-10-02 -
Lembah Harau, service marketing mix, tourists’ decision process, case study. -
This research examines the effect of product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence on tourists’ decision process to visit the tourism object in Lembah Harau, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, Sumatera Barat Province, Indonesia. This tourism object consists of three resorts, namely Aka Barayun, Sarasah Bunta, and Rimbo Piobang. The approach in this research is a case study. The study population is tourists who visit the Lembah Harau. Primary data collected through a questionnaire. Data analysis was done by using a partial test (t-test). The result of the research revealed that product, place, promotion, and people significantly affects tourist’s decision process to visit Lembah Harau. Product variables have a dominant influence on the tourist’s decision. This proves that the object is the main consideration for tourists to visit the Lembah Harau, then sequentially followed by location, promotion, and people. Hence, not all aspects of the concept of the marketing mix influence the tourist’s decision process to visit the Lembah Harau attraction. Administrators of Lembah Harau are advised to maintain and develop products, easiness of process, fairness of the price, facilities, services, quality of people, and effective promotion strategy. Next researchers are recommended to study other tourist destinations in Sumatera Barat or continue this research by expanding the sample size and add other variables such as psychological factors and service quality.
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How to Cite
Rosha, Z., & ., . (2018). The Effect of Implementation of Service Marketing Mix to the Process of Tourist Decision to Visit Tourism Object: A Case Study at Lembah Harau, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, Sumatera Barat Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.9), 112-117. date: 2018-09-30
Accepted date: 2018-09-30
Published date: 2018-10-02