Analysis of Component based Computing
Component based, Common Object Request Broker Architecture (COBRA), Object Request Broker (ORB), Object Management Group (OMG)and Distributed Computing Enviornment (DCE). -
To achieve a precise goal of components on different platforms that are presented the some components in order to co-operate with one another over a communication network. The component should be able to access services provided through remote, location transparent service in vocations.The major role of component-based method is represent an ideal framework for component-driven in client/server computing. One of the good implementation examples of broker architecture is Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). The component based technologies discuss the proposal of distributed object of CORBA which is the Object Management Group’s (OMG).This paper proposes the broker architecture as CORBA has distributed system that can be demonstrated by client-server architecture which practices the base for multi-tier architecture.
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How to Cite
V. Kumaraguru, P., J. Chakravarthy, V., & Seenivasan, M. (2018). Analysis of Component based Computing. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.10), 133-136. date: 2018-10-03
Accepted date: 2018-10-03
Published date: 2018-10-02