Velocity Slip and Thermal Jump on Maxwell Fluid with Non-Fourier Cattaneo-Christov Heat Flux Using SRM Solutions
Cattaneo-Christov heat flux model, Stretching cylinder, Temperature Jump, MHD, Velocity slip. -
The influence of the heat transfer within a boundary layer flow and magneto hydro dynamic slip flow of a Maxwell fluid over a stretching cylinder is analyzed and discussed in the present article. The effects of viscous dissipation and thermal jump are assumed. The procedure of heat transfer through hypothesis of Cattaneo-Christov heat flux is considered. We converted non-linear partial differential equations for mass, momentum and energy into a system of coupled highly non linear ordinary differential equations with proper boundary conditions by the help of suitable similarity transformations. The succeeding ordinary differential equations are solved by using Spectral relaxation technique. The solution is obtained in zero curvature parameter as well as non-zero curvature parameter. i.e. for flow above a flat plate and flow above a cylinder. The flow and heat transfer attributes are witnessed to be encouraged in an elaborate mode by Prandtl number, thermal jump parameter, thermal relaxation parameter, Deborah number, slip velocity parameter, Eckert number and the magnetic parameter. Our findings reveal that one of the possible ways to decrease the Deborah number by boosting fluid velocity. It is also perceived that in the case of flow over a stretching cylinder, the momentum boundary layer thickness and the velocity of the fluid increases. Furthermore, an increase in slip velocity factor reduces the magnitude of skin friction.
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How to Cite
Gangadhar, K., V. Ramana, K., & Rushi Kumar, B. (2018). Velocity Slip and Thermal Jump on Maxwell Fluid with Non-Fourier Cattaneo-Christov Heat Flux Using SRM Solutions. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.10), 233-239. date: 2018-10-04
Accepted date: 2018-10-04
Published date: 2018-10-02