Prime Labeling of Jahangir Graphs
2018-10-02 -
Prime labeling, Jahangir graph, Fusion, Switching and duplication. -
The paper investigates prime labeling of Jahangir graph Jn,m  for n ≥ 2, m ≥ 3 provided that nm is even. We discuss prime labeling of some graph operations viz. Fusion, Switching and Duplication to prove that the Fusion of two vertices v1 and vk where k is odd in a Jahangir graph Jn,m results to prime graph provided that the product nm is even and is relatively prime to k. The Fusion of two vertices vnm + 1 and vk for any k in Jn, m is prime. The switching of vk in the cycle Cnm of the Jahangir graph Jn,m  is a prime graph provided that nm+1 is a prime number and the switching of vnm+1 in Jn, m is also a prime graph .Duplicating of vk, where k is odd integer and nm + 2 is relatively prime to k,k+2 in Jn,m is a prime graph.
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How to Cite
Lakshmi., A., K, J., & T, M. (2018). Prime Labeling of Jahangir Graphs. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.10), 389-392. date: 2018-10-04
Accepted date: 2018-10-04
Published date: 2018-10-02