A comparative paper on measuring the performance of snort and suricata with variable packet sizes and speed

  • Authors

    • M. Naga Surya Lakshmi Reserch Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam.
    • Dr. Y. Radhika Professor,Department of Computer Science & Engineering, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam.
  • Snort, Suricata, Intrusion Detection System, TCP, UDP.
  • This survey paper focuses mainly on comparing the performance of free open-source IDS tools like snort and Suricata, for identifying malignant activities on HIDS. Among the existing intrusion detection tools, Snort is one of the best free open-source tools and for over a decade it is the most widely used tool in the computing industry. The objective of Suricata is to offer signature-based intrusion detection and the latest version is released in the year 2018. Suricata is combined with the latest advancements in recent technology such as multi-threading of the process in order to get better processing rate. We evaluated the processing speed, consumption of memory, and accuracy. We observed in the process of handling a larger amount of network traffic data Suricata has shown better results when compared with Snort and both tools have registered with like accuracy.


  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Naga Surya Lakshmi, M., & Y. Radhika, D. (2019). A comparative paper on measuring the performance of snort and suricata with variable packet sizes and speed. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 8(1), 53-58. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v8i1.20985