Snap and split: an android application for bill payment using tesseract OCR

  • Authors

    • Sugamya kata
    • Suresh Pabboju
    • Vinaya Babu
    • Anudeep Medishetti
  • Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), OCR (Optical Character Reader), SDK (Software Developer Kit).
  • Snap and split is a mobile application which uses Optical character recognition to recognize the bill from a printed sheet. It provides an option to tag users and telling them about the shared bill by pushing a notification. Users can tap and pay the bills instantly.Tesseract is one of the best image recognition tools present and uses separate packs for various languages.



  • References

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  • How to Cite

    kata, S., Pabboju, S., Babu, V., & Medishetti, A. (2018). Snap and split: an android application for bill payment using tesseract OCR. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.5), 634-640.