Behavior of a Discrete Fractional Order SIR Epidemic Model
Epidemic Model, Fractional Order, Stability, Bifurcation, Discretization Process. -
In this paper we investigate the dynamical behavior of a SIR epidemic model of fractional order. Disease Free Equilibrium point, Endemic Equilibrium point and basic reproductive number are obtained. Time series plots, phase portraits and bifurcation diagrams are presented for suitable parameter values. Also some numerical examples are provided to illustrate the dynamics of the system.
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How to Cite
George Maria Selvam, A., & Abraham Vianny, D. (2018). Behavior of a Discrete Fractional Order SIR Epidemic Model. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.10), 675-680. date: 2018-10-08
Accepted date: 2018-10-08
Published date: 2018-10-02