Existence of Ψ-bounded Solutions for System of Linear Dynamic equations on Time Scales

  • Authors

    • B. V Appa Rao
    • K. A S N V Prasad
  • Ψ-bounded solutions, time scales, Lebesgue Ψ-deltaintegrable, fundamental matrix.
  • In this work, we develop the criteria for existence of Ψ- bounded solutions of system of linear dynamic equations on time scales. The advantage of results in this dynamical system is it unifies discrete as well as continuous systems. Initially, we develop if and only if conditions for the existence of at least one Ψ-bounded solution for linear dynamic equation y∆(Ï„ ) = P (Ï„ )y +g(Ï„ ), for each Ψ- delta integrable  Lebesgue function g, on time scale T +. Later, we obtain asymptotic nature of Ψ-bounded solutions of dynamical system. Also we provided the examples for supporting the results.

    AMS Subject Classification: 74H20, 34N05, 34C11



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  • How to Cite

    V Appa Rao, B., & A S N V Prasad, K. (2018). Existence of Ψ-bounded Solutions for System of Linear Dynamic equations on Time Scales. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.10), 698-701. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i4.10.21315