Trust, Technology Awareness and Satisfaction Effect into the Intention to Use Cryptocurrency among Generation Z in Malaysia
Trust, technology awareness, Cryptocurrency, Generation Z -
Due to the current inclination of central bank of Malaysia to regulate the usage of digital currencies in early 2018, this paper investigates the factors affecting Malaysian Generation Z attitude and intention to use cryptocurrency in their financial decisions. Quantitative method has been applied and a sample of 230 final year students of Universiti Kuala Lumpur business school has been used. The investigation detected a significant impact of the awareness and trust into the attitude -which in support of the satisfaction with cryptocurrency service- can create an intention to use cryptocurrency.
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How to Cite
Alaeddin, O., & Altounjy, R. (2018). Trust, Technology Awareness and Satisfaction Effect into the Intention to Use Cryptocurrency among Generation Z in Malaysia. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.29), 8-10. date: 2018-11-25
Accepted date: 2018-11-25
Published date: 2018-11-26