Implementation of Computer Based Systems for Effective Decisions in Acceptance of Vikar

  • Authors

    • Shinta Dharma Hardi
    • Hukendik Hutabarat
    • Benget Rumahorbo
    • W. Willem
    • Mindo Judica Pangaribuan
    • Kusman Sudiby
    • Andre Paulus Saleky
    • Henry Kristian Siburian
    • Fibry Jati Nugroho
    • Nuning Kurniasih
    • M Mesran
    • Maringan Sianturi
    • Suardin Gaurifa
    • Abdul Karim
    • Janner Simarmata
    • Putri Ramadhani
    • Kurnia Ulfa
    • K. Khasan
    • Imam Saputra
    • Elvitrianim Purba
  • Vikar Acceptance, ARAS Method, Computer Based System, DSS
  • Abstract

    The development of computer technology increasingly makes computers more popular in the community, so that it is easy to find computer usage in completing human work. The use of information technology is now increasingly developing with decision support-based information systems that can help decision makers in providing better decision decisions. Likewise in the process of receiving Vikar in the GKPI church. Vicar candidates must go through the selection stage and at the final stage a decision-based support system is used to provide the right decision, the prospective Vikar who can be accepted in the GKPI. In this study, ARAS method is used which is expected to solve problems related to multi-criteria-based decision processing.


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  • How to Cite

    Dharma Hardi, S., Hutabarat, H., Rumahorbo, B., Willem, W., Judica Pangaribuan, M., Sudiby, K., Paulus Saleky, A., Kristian Siburian, H., Jati Nugroho, F., Kurniasih, N., Mesran, M., Sianturi, M., Gaurifa, S., Karim, A., Simarmata, J., Ramadhani, P., Ulfa, K., Khasan, K., Saputra, I., & Purba, E. (2018). Implementation of Computer Based Systems for Effective Decisions in Acceptance of Vikar. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.5), 101-104.

    Received date: 2018-11-26

    Accepted date: 2018-11-26