Psychophysics Behavior of Human Tactile Mechanism to Discriminate Extremely Thin Copper Foils.

  • Authors

    • Mohammad Azzeim Bin Mat Jusoh
    • Masahiro Ohka
    • Tetsu Miyaoka
    • Sukarnur Bin Che Abdullah
    • Hafizan Bin Hashim
  • Human tactile mechanism, Cutaneous function, Mechanoreceptor, Psychophysics, Weber fraction, Difference Threshold (DL).
  • Abstract

    In this study, our objective is to analyze human tactile mechanism behavior in recognizing extremely thin foils using the psychophysics method. Seven pairs of copper foils ranging in thickness from 20 ~ 150 μm were used in the experiment. We applied the method of constant stimuli to define the difference threshold between the materials. In order to increase the detection rate, contact between human tactile function and the metal foils was maintained. As a result, the Weber fraction c consistently reduces as thickness increases. However, the slope decrement is steep compared to previous experimentation (using stainless steel as base). We also validated the behavior of the undetected regions up to 150-μm thicknesses. This achievement was quite significant considering the higher thickness test ratio. In future, further comparison shall be made using different material type.


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  • How to Cite

    Azzeim Bin Mat Jusoh, M., Ohka, M., Miyaoka, T., Bin Che Abdullah, S., & Bin Hashim, H. (2018). Psychophysics Behavior of Human Tactile Mechanism to Discriminate Extremely Thin Copper Foils. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.27), 110-114.

    Received date: 2018-11-30

    Accepted date: 2018-11-30

    Published date: 2018-11-30