Relationship between work-family conflict and work, family and community domains demands and resources: A longitudinal study
Shifting from Western-dominated perspectives, demands and resources from the community domain were investigated, together with work and family domains to predict work-family  conflict and family-work conflict. Pearson correlation analysis was conducted on data obtained through two self-report questionnaires completed three months apart by 277 executives and non-executives from three public and private sector organizations in Sarawak, East Malaysia. After controlling for conflict at Time 1, work demands were positively related; while work resources were negatively related to work-family conflict and family work conflict at Time 2. In addition, community demands were related positively to  work-family conflict and family work conflict at Time 2. This study underscores the roles of community which has been neglected in Western studies, as important in affecting work-family conflict and family-work conflict  in Malaysia. Therefore, to improve our understanding on work-family conflict in a society which is predominantly collectivist, aspects of community should be included.
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How to Cite
Hassan, Z., Sabil, S., Bandar, N. F. A., Ibrahim, D. K., & Nor, N. N. M. (2018). Relationship between work-family conflict and work, family and community domains demands and resources: A longitudinal study. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.28), 164-167.