Transmission Expansion Planning for 133 Bus Tamilnadu Test System Using Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (Bfoa)

  • Authors

    • S Prakash
    • Joseph Henry
  • Transmission Expansion Planning, GA, BFOA, TPI.
  • Abstract

    In a creating nation like Indian, necessary energy infra framework has to be ramped up to fulfill the increasing requirement for energy. Development of Transmitting System is a vital factor in providing ability to the desperate areas. Lack of transmission potential in Tamilnadu in some areas, it is not able to leave wind energy to its full level. In this document, a multiple purpose operate is integrated which contains financial requirements as well as technological and adequacy requirements. Usually Economic requirements include the investment price, the servicing price and the function price but due to market circumstances it comes with price escalation due to venture wait, price escalation due to rising prices and price escalation due to Right of Way. In this document an method for Transmitting Expansion Planning (TEP) is developed by presenting a Transmitting Preparing Index (TPI). TPI is developed as a multi-objective operate and enhanced using different methods like Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA). The suggested strategy is verified by executing TEP for 133 Bus TNS (Tamil Nadu System). Blockage price also analyzed for the different circumstances in this paper


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  • How to Cite

    Prakash, S., & Henry, J. (2018). Transmission Expansion Planning for 133 Bus Tamilnadu Test System Using Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (Bfoa). International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(3.24), 666-670.

    Received date: 2018-12-02

    Accepted date: 2018-12-02