Autonomous Spherical Surveillance Robot with Vision-Based Human Recognition and Tracking

  • Authors

    • Miguel Richney D. De Guzman
    • Carlo Luigi G. Ocampo
    • Jonathan E. Subong
    • Aeisha Dominique . Zamudio P
    • John Anthony C. Jose
    • Melvin K. Cabatuan

    Received date: December 2, 2018

    Accepted date: December 2, 2018

    Published date: November 27, 2018
  • Abstract

    Managing and securing university grounds poses quite a challenge. This research mainly focused on assisting security personnel in identifying specific persons-of-interest within a given area through the construction of a spherical mobile robot. This structure was conceptualized to protect the mechanical parts and electronics used for the robot's movement. Serial communication using Bluetooth modules imposed effective communication between the electronics that were both inside and outside of the sphere. Different sensors processed different signals inside an Arduino module to achieve the robot’s autonomous state. Additionally, Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV) was used on a Raspberry Pi 3 module and machine learning on a laptop, for facial detection and recognition, respectively. Whenever faces were detected, the robot-captured images were sent to a base station via file transfer protocol (FTP) through a virtual private network (VPN) over the Internet. A selected image is then compared to a trained set of images within the system’s database to identify if that specific individual is a person-of-interest. If the identity matches, then the operator will alert security personnel. All in all, the researchers successfully constructed an autonomous surveillance robot that identified specific persons-of-interest and scouted a specific area inside De La Salle University (DLSU).

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  • How to Cite

    Guzman, M. R. D. D., Ocampo, C. L. G., Subong, J. E., P, A. D. . Z., Jose, J. A. C., & Cabatuan, M. K. (2018). Autonomous Spherical Surveillance Robot with Vision-Based Human Recognition and Tracking. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.16), 208-213.

    Received date: December 2, 2018

    Accepted date: December 2, 2018

    Published date: November 27, 2018