Humidity and temperature monitoring

  • Authors

    • Ibtihaj A.Abdul Wahhab Al-Iraqia University/ collage of engineering
    • Hussain Bierk Al-Iraqia University/ collage of engineering
    • Luma Ahmed Aday Al-Iraqia University/ collage of engineering
  • Arduino Uno microcontroller, DHT22 sensor, Humidity, RF 433 hc12, Temperature.
  • Abstract

    The prediction of climate in general and weather in particular are of paramount importance, especially with the possible negative consequences that may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to design an affordable, compacted size, and feasible weather station that provides significant information concerning humidity and temperature. In this research, we have employed a highly reliable DHT22 sensor and RF 433 hc12 for transmitting and receiving data. The DHT22 sensor is very accurate regarding humidity and temperature measurement whereas RF 433 hc12 processes high data rate, better range, and portability.

    This research involves a system, with low cost and high performance, to provide accurate measurement of humidity and temperature and then transmits the data to display in LCD screen.


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  • How to Cite

    A.Abdul Wahhab, I., Bierk, H., & Ahmed Aday, L. (2019). Humidity and temperature monitoring. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 5174-5177.

    Received date: 2018-12-05

    Accepted date: 2019-03-06

    Published date: 2019-03-12