Investigation of the Nucleation Kinetics of Bi and Δ-Bi2O3 During Electro-Deposition on Substrate ITO
2018-12-06 -
Bismuth, Bismuth oxide, Nucleation, cyclicvoltametry, Chronoamperometry. -
Bismuth and there oxide (δ-Bi2O3) thin films were deposited on ITO substrates by electro-deposition method. First a cyclic voltammetry study, over a wide range of potentials, with the mounting of three electrodes and an electrolytic solution of 0.01M Bi(NO3)3.5H2O, 0.25M tartaric acid and 2.5M KOH. Towards cathode potential -900mV / SCE we observed the peak of reduction of Bi (III) to Bi (0). When scanning towards increasing potentials we observed a nucleation loop on the electrode, which indicates that there is nucleation, followed by an oxidation peak of Bi (0) to Bi (III). Then we carried out a study of the germination kinetics by carrying out transients current at potentials close to that of reduction peak. The comparison of our transients curves obtained by the chrono-amperometric method with the theoretical transients curves of Charifker and Hills allows us to say that the nucleation is three-dimensional and progressive at a poteniel of -940mV and -950mV but, at a potential of -980 that seems rather for small deposition time a progressive nucleation that can change to an instantaneous nucleation. The characterization of one sample was carried out by X-Ray diffraction, showed that the film was pseudo-fluorite structure. The preferred orientation of the crystallites is (200) for the as deposited film.
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How to Cite
Lghazi, Y., Bimaghra, I., El Bachiri, A., Elmerzouki, K., Youbi, B., & Lasri, H. (2018). Investigation of the Nucleation Kinetics of Bi and Δ-Bi2O3 During Electro-Deposition on Substrate ITO. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4.32), 21-25. date: 2018-12-06
Accepted date: 2018-12-06
Published date: 2018-12-06