Determination of the Parameters Controlling Mixed Convection in Double Lid Driven Shallow Rectangular Cavity Uniformly Heated
finite volume method, heat transfer, mixed convection, lids-driven cavity, parallel flow -
Mixed convection, in double-lid driven horizontal rectangular cavity filled with a Newtonian fluid and subjected to uniform heat flux along the vertical walls, has been studied numerically, via the finite volume method, and analytically, by using the parallel flow concept. A good agreement has been found between the results of the two approaches. The frontiers of transition from one regime to another of convection (forced-mixed and mixed-natural) were determined by a modified Richardson Number. Moreover, it has been found that the parameter which specifies the natural and the forced convection regime is Gr/Re3.
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How to Cite
Louaraychi, A., Lamsaadi, M., El Harfi, H., Kaddiri, M., & Naïmi, M. (2018). Determination of the Parameters Controlling Mixed Convection in Double Lid Driven Shallow Rectangular Cavity Uniformly Heated. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(4.32), 70-74. date: 2018-12-06
Accepted date: 2018-12-06
Published date: 2018-12-06